Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #06868 的意思

Ts@redah {tser-ay-daw'} or Ts@redathah {tser-ay-daw'-thaw}

apparently from an unused root meaning to pierce;; n pr loc
AV - Zereda 1, Zeredathah 1; 2
Zereda or Zeredathah = "fortress"
1) a town or territory in Manasseh and the home of Jeroboam

希伯來詞彙 #06868 在聖經原文中出現的地方

Ts@redah {tser-ay-daw'} or Ts@redathah {tser-ay-daw'-thaw} 共有 2 個出處。 這是第 1 至 2 個出處。

列 王 紀 上 11:26
And Jeroboam the son of Nebat, an Ephrathite of Zereda06868, Solomon's servant, whose mother's name was Zeruah, a widow woman, even he lifted up his hand against the king.

歷 代 志 下 4:17
In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah06868. clay...: Heb. thicknesses of the ground